1 For the ladder: you need to have played at least 5 times in Open sessions during the period to be listed. For every 2 extra sessions you play above that you get to drop your lowest score, e.g. if you play 9 times your worst 2 scores are discarded and the best 7 are averaged, or if you play 15 times your worst 5 scores are discarded and the best 10 are averaged. Only those sessions where you played with a partner with the same grade or higher are included because we want to encourage players to play with lower graded friends without affecting their average. Only sessions where you played at least 10 boards are included. Some sessions are harder than others but we aren't adjusting for that. Supervised/Beginner/Learner sessions aren't included. For monthly emails we show just the top 50. On the website we show a more complete ladder - those with an average equal to or higher than: 50% (Open), 47.5% (Intermediate), and 45% (Junior). Matches scored in X-IMPS/IMPS are converted to a percentage using the formula used by the EBU National Grading System.
2 For multi-session results the position shown is the overall position for all the sessions played up to that point.
3 Distributional means having a 7+ card suit or a void.
4 Leads are imperfectly classified into leads of trumps, a sequence (eg QJ10 or QJ9 not Q109), a singleton or low doubleton vs. a suit contract, passive (a suit headed by the 10 or lower), or active (anything else). No account is taken (currently) of the bidding: whether you have led the unbid suit, partner's suit, or obeyed a lead directing double, etc.
5 [link] links to the actual hand in RealBridge, [BSOL] links to the hand in BridgeSolverOnline - click the highlighted contract in the makeable contracts table and the lead success will be calculated, your lead shows with an asterisk.